Saturday, July 29, 2006

well then

Now that I'm at a new job that I like, and out of a house that I don't, while being able to save money again, I seem to be living a much less stressful life. The down side is, I have less ammunition for my rantings on this blog.
Wait a minute...I've still got a few.
Baby... A cat named baby. I wouldn't even call it a cat. Its more like a malnurished cross between a gremlin and a weasel that is always in heat. This damn cat-thing has kinda a sad story behind it. It was found as a kitten in a theater parking lot all cold and wet and a friend took it in and fed it and kept it as a pet. ... Well he should have either had it put down and atleast gotten it fixed for christ's sake. This thing was malnurished as a kitten so even though its fully grown now, it is still small and "frail looking" it...used to lick ALL of its fur off that it could reach and ... well I'll let the picture say the rest. It ALWAYS yells and howls and writhes around either in heat or constantly itching from some skin condition or something. It just will not SHUT UP! Its cute and normal for all of like 2 seconds a week then back to the howling. It hates to be picked up, but its owner loves to pick her up, and then he wonders why she scratches him and darts away. All the other cats hate her because she is just annoying as hell. Everytime I go over there, I make sure she stays closed out of whatever room I'm in so at least the howling is muffled. I know that howl so well that I can immitate it and when I wanna mess with my friend, I start howling and that cat starts right up with me from where ever it is in the house and just starts running around howling about the house... My friend hates it when I do that :)
The devil cat.

Monday, July 24, 2006

My first beer of the day at 9 AM

Now some of you would think it is kinda odd to start drinking so early but for me its 7PM and my feet hurt so I think I deserve one. I'm gonna have to get some new shoes with better cushoning real soon.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

well, its my first night

first night by myself. shouldn't be a problem, I'm just still kinda tired from not get a completly restful sleep due to.... well let's say "constant conversation" between John and his girl friend.

Yay Me

I graduated from training today. I am officically an assistant manager with QT. My manager is all cool, too. He's like " I know your new and sometimes isues come up on the overnight shift so basicaly, if something happens short of the pumps exploding, just wait untill the morning shift and left me know then."

Hellz yeah.

Stupid cell phone

IK always leave my cell phone in my car when I get home and don't realize it untill after I get all dressed down and comfortable, then I'm like,"crap! I gotta go outside in my jammies and get my cell phone."

Thursday, July 20, 2006

That was a negative! no wait

A double negative!'m confused.

I got one of my chairs out of storage today. Yesterday, I dropped some more stuff off in storage from moving out. At the storage place, the main sign said that there will be an auction of unpaid lots coming soon. Thinking that was kinda funny, I drove around the plce to count all off the "Red Locks." A red lock is placed on your door when you are behind on your payment. There were 30 out of about 300 lots. On a cool note, the owner saw this car driving around the parking lot, scoping out all of the lots so he came outside and asked if I needed any help so he must be really watching those security cameras.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Happy Wriday

Its Wednesday for you, but it is Friday for me!!!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

week 2

Tonight, I go to my next store. Luckily its still close to home.

um ... yeah....

ok about the last post.... Lets just say that I was "tired" and wanted to blog about something and the lines just kinda spilled out like ... like... like a "thing" that "spills" on "stuff" wink wink...nudge nudge... ..


I'm going nowhere with this
why are you even still reading?

Oh yeah. beacuse I wanted to say that blogging during the day isn't as fun now that I'm not being paid to do something else while I am blogging. :p

Saturday, July 15, 2006


Its a cup. Its a can. Its a spray.
Its a baby. Arby's on the floor.
I am going to the farmer's market and I am going to buy a live chicken and put it in your room. Crowing in your closet.
Are you getting digital or analog? They can't use the box.
Thats all you need.
The light on my power strip. Red or orange... does it matter?
Lease it for now and we'll see if we can find a good deal.
Double grounded... yeah.
Eat... eat... eat....
It is cold but I want it colder.
I need to take a shower. I feel so hot.
Generic tastes the same, sometimes.
I am bound in unrest. I am about to go on an adventure.
There has to be someone around here that can do it.
Its too far to run.
And your paying 50 bucks a month for that?
My cup is empty.

Friday, July 14, 2006

more photoshop fun

I know its wrong...but photoshop makes it so easy.

Photoshop fun

John makes a happy fish.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Its the weekend!!!

Well, its the weekend for me. 2 wonderful days to screw up my daytime sleeping schedule.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


I just ran into Amanda, an old friend of mine online.
Just as I have to get ready for work too. Oh well. Don't forget about my party soon. The address has changed but the crazy stays the same!

Day 1. OK

My first night went by pretty good. I think I'll get the hang of it all pretty quick.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Cake! yeaaaaayyyyy caaaaake

Happy B-day Mylerna

off to work

Well tonight is my first night shift for QT. I'm used to boring and slow, and everything beyond that so I'm sure I'll be fine. I'll update later.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

stupid small devices

Well I moved 98% of my stuff out yesterday. Barry and his gf left sometime in the morning and were gone all day, so when they get back/ got back I'm sure they will think I just tried to skip out without telling them, so I left some crap on the floor in my room so they could assume I was coming back. I took my couch, my chairs and everything out of my room excpet for a few things on the floor... and MY remote for HIS TV. I'm sure he'll love that. The only problem I have though is now I have to go back to the storage place and dig out my battery charger for my cell phone because its dead.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Litterbox training you cat

"Um... that was 'other' cats."

Friday, July 07, 2006

This makes noise

Ok. this lets you get your bubble wrap cravings out of the way.
When you click the fresh sheet button, a woman's voice pops up and says "Must have more" so if you click this at work, keep that in mind.

QuikTrip. Every trip.

Started working with QT today. Turns out I will be working just just a few miles away, and will be doing the night shift which actually works out good for me.

and no, I do not get any secret employee discount on gas.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

it never ends

In true Barry fashion I get what I want in a bittersweet twist. He and his girlfriend figured out the bills due and the amount it would take to buy me out and call me and say "we paid off the bills, if you subtract what it would take to buy you out, you still owe us $250. That will pay you up to the 15th and after that we can just charge you $17 a day until you move out. When are you moving out and what are you taking with you so I can make plans to move more stuff in?

Once again the ice cream has been ruined, but atleast I'm out.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Hey... Its Andy...


I'm just checking back. I know its only been a few hours but I just wanted to make sure you're ok. I know it got a little heated there last night and I probably said a few things that I didn't mean to. I just wanted to let you know again that I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I just just..

No. I didn't tell you to shut up last night...

I didn't.

Listen I know what I said last night and of the things that I said, none of them was the phrase "shut up" ok?
Well, yeah I AM keeping track of the conversation. It IS a freaking blog you know. Yeah. A blog. You know, "Diary on the internet" thing. All you have to do is scroll down one post and you will clearly see that I did not tell you to shut up.

No. I'm not saying your stupid. (actually I kinda am.) I am just saying...

Oh crap. You wasn't supposed to see that. It was a "thought." That's why it was in parenthesis.
No. No. Your not stupid. It was just a thought. a blip running through my head. you know, like a gag kinda thing from a TV show.

No. I'm not trying to make fun of you. no I'm not saying this is like a TV show. I was just..
no.. no... no I'm not..I'm just...will you let me finish.
Ok, I know what you have to say is important, too. I just wanted to finish what I.... no I'm not saying that you talk too much... Yes...You ARE important to me. Without you I wouldn't even have use for a blog... ...
You know "blog." We just talked about this. Did you miss that whole part when I was talking. No.. I didn't say "When 'I' was talking." I didn't stress the "I" to make me sound more important. You're over reacting... (Aw crap. I didn't just say it comes.)

I know...
I know..
I know.... I know... I know...I know...yes..ya...I know.
I'm not saying that. Your not being... Your just being... ya...NO...Listen I ... (sigh. This is going no where.)

What? You're not supposed to see that. That was a "Thought." That's why it was in parenthesis. Geez. I just wanted to appologize but I don't even feel like it any more.

No picture for you!

Happy 4th of July!

Ok now, its technically the 5th but screw you guys for noticing that. Geez, so critical of things. Here I am trying to post a 4th of July message and YES I know the post was done at around 12:30AM on the 5th. Just... just drop it ok!?! of all the things we could be talking about...
... you know, I'm sorry. Its no it was my fault. I should have just let it, your fine. I didn't mean to... no really...stop ...OK I'm sorry...I was just. no I didn't mean to sound sarcastic in saying "OK" it was just how it came out.. no your fine please. No I ..I just awww come here...Its ok....shhhhh...Its ok. It'll be alright by the next post. Just use this to get your thoughts past this whole moment.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Sorry I am A.F.K. (Away From Keyboard)

So this weekend I spent around 30 hours playing EQ. I know, I know... I should have started earlier in the day so that I could have gotten more playing time in. I'm sorry. I'm on the Sleeper server currently as this lvl 12 female Shaman. I didn't pick the character. It's my buddy, John's account (1 of several) and he wanted a female shaman so thats what I played with while he ran on his Barbarian. Now I don't know if you can call what I did really "Playing" EQ because really I had just decided to generate lots of revenue so that John could focus on leveling and could just buy whatever he needed along the way for the 2 characters. So, while John was out in East Commonlands, beating on spiders and orcs, I stayed perched at "the tunnel entrance" advertising SOW all day long...(its a spell that makes people happy.) Well not to bore you with details, but over the course of 30 hours, I would have to say I became the most popular buff caster on the server, or at least in East Commonlands. I had people sending me tells all day (and night) long, begging for buffs and making sure I had not left the area before they could get back to me. I developed my own clientel and as other casters tried to sell SOW, they were quickly discouraged to see groups of people flocking to me constantly, while no one would even look at them. I was the first in the zone (and possibly the server) to start selling buffs with Extended Duration. Once that happened, I had the market cornered for a few hours before the other casters could scrape up enough coin to buy the equipment to allow them to cast as cool as me, but even then I had established a crushing customer base that stayed loyal to me and my excelent customer service skills. After the great server reboot at around 6pm on Sunday, I took the time to modify my "SOW buff advertising" hotkey to include special ASCII characters that can't be created in the game. Once again, another server first. People kept sending me tells, "How do you make the musical notes?"... I wouldn't reply. Finaly this one kid that was completly obsessed with knowing how I did it kept sending me tells.
"How do you make the nots?"
"Musical Notes"
5 min...
5 min...
"I know you are there. I can see you buffing people."

Me: "Sry... too many tells. I don't know."

Him: "How did you make the notes?"

Me: "A friend set it up for me. I'm not sure. Sry"

Him: "Can you send me a note or a smiley?

Me: " My friend set it up for me. I just push a button."

Him: "What button?"

5 min...
Him: "How did your friend do it?"

At this point John is wanting to mess with this kid so he takes over the keyboard, and proceeds to send this kid on a wild internet goose chase for random key words and UI mods. We have him convinced that the musical notes are made by "a button" on our UI. Eventually the kid finds and downloads a whole bunch of crap that has nothing to do with what he wants to know but we aren't about to tell him that, but by the time he found everything and got it downloaded it was 2:35 am (last night!) and I had to log and grab atleast a little sleep before work today so after a 45 minute long ordeal with this obsessed kid...

Him: "Ok I downloaded the UI. What does the button look like?"

Me: "Sorry I am A.F.K. (Away From Keyboard)"

5 min...

Him: "Where is the button?"

Me: "Sorry I am A.F.K. (Away From Keyboard)"

After a good hard laugh, I leave for the night with the Shaman hiding AFK behind a cart.

BTW: When I was done, after 1 day of casting buffs I had earned over 100 pp. I don't know exactly how much I made, but I had bought all my spells up to lvl 15, John's Barbarian was decked out in some of the best equipment available on the server (while everyone else is running around in non-visible lowbie armor and beating spiders with rusty shortswords) and I still had 96 pp in my pocket and several pp worth of pelts in my bank because I just didn't have room for all the stuff being given to me as donations. Now I have literaly more money than I know what to do with... unless I feel like buying a LOT of spidersilks and Bixey stingers.

What is that noise!?!

I am working on the 3rd floor of an Orthopedic and Spine Center today. I have been working here in the evenings for a week now(though I am previously familiar with the facility) and today (and last friday) I am woking here during the day. Directly below me on the 2nd floor is some large, noisy, mechanical sounding machine that makes its presence well known to me. ***

I get this image of a huge X-ray machine directly below me, constantly radiating my... well constantly radiating me from below. I can't stand not knowing!

*** Foot note: At this point I really can't stand it anymore and get up to investigate. It's amazing where a badge and some charisma can get you. I go to the 2nd floor and get the ladies to show me to that back room directly below mine. It turned out to be a room used for cutting casts off of people... but it wasn't in use and hadn't been all day. So, I decide, try the 4th floor! I go to the forth floor and TA-DA! That side is all radiology. I ask the front desk and yep, it's some big MRI machine just going at it all day long scanning people... right above my head. So now my theory is completly wrong. I 'm not being radiated from the 2nd floor. I'm being radiated from the 4th floor. I guess I can rest easy now... Look at the bright side. I guess I won't have to walk ALL the way to the microwave to cook my lunches. I'll just put them on top of my head around 11 o'clock and by noon they should be piping hot and that first bite.
God, I am glad this is my last day at this site.

Click this ScArY X-rAy LiNk OoOoOoOoOo

It gets good on page 3. Cells being ripped apart and what-not, but I won't ruin it for you. (workplace safe site)

The water is working

Well, after sipping all morning, I can feel my joints again. I can also feel my pores breathing again. Man, I always say I'm not going to do that again but then I eat a whole bunch of junk the next night... oh well.

A food hangover

I feel like crap.
I ate so much junk this weekend that today I feel like "funk" is my shadow. Even after taking a shower, I feel a little unclean. I don't look or smell bad, mind you. I'm still my usual dead sexy self. (Looking over my shoulder to see all the ladies in view swoon.) Now don't get me wrong, I'm still hotter than that first bite of microwave food that you never seem to be able to wait for that always scaulds your tongue and everything tastes "numb" for the rest of the meal, but on the inside, I can feel my body trying to bulldoze all the crap I ate this weekend out of my system. Out of every freaking pore. All I can do now is just drink water and wait for the funk to go away... Atleast with a food hangover, I don't have to cry my way through the ending of "Man on the Moon. The Andy Kaufman story." ... God that was lame. ...Stupid movie. ... the boat sank. You knew it was coming. Get over it.

I found it on the it counts....

poke.... poke....

"Even the best fall down sometimes."

I heard that line while on my way to work today (I got to work an hour early btw due to no traffic. How absurd!) and it seemed to be the line that perfectly captioned how my life was this weekend. Sometimes, you have to take the things you love and give them up for the betterment of yourself. Sometimes a love was never meant to be. Sometimes a love is onesided but you're too blind to notice until you realise that you have nowhere else to go and you tell yourself you must never even think about that part of your life again because it would hurt to much to relive the moments... and eventually, the dreams stop coming, almost being nightmares because they force you to relive those moments you treasured so much. Cursing them upon waking for giving you the chance to remember how good they were. Eventualy all the "what-if's" stop popping in your head, trying to expand on something that should never be expanded upon, but then again that is why you are expanding on it. Eventualy the pictures on the TV and the things you see in store windows stop reminding you of your past, and the songs on the radio turn back into just songs, instead of lyrics that were meaningful and seemed like they were sung for just you. Eventualy...."Eventualy" is a long time sometimes... years sometimes, but eventualy the memories fade and you go on with your life. If your lucky, you even stop asking yourself if it was really love, or just lust, or just a big onesided game. Well to me the answer was clear, it WAS just a big onesided game, and I was the one being played. All my time, and all my money. All my waking hours pouring over this love and what did I get in return? In the end... a lot of lost sleep. Thats about it. I wasn't bitter... well after a while I wasn't bitter "anymore." I just left it all behind me.
That is... until this weekend. I was weak. I had my guard down and it broadsided sided me. I wasn't ready for it. For all the memories flooding back in. All the old patterns coming back to the front of my mind. I relived all those memories like they were yesterday. By now all the bad parts of it had erroded away and I was embraced by the "good-times" in my head. I gave in. I played EQ. They released a new progression server, and my buddy John made character on all of his accounts but needed a hand with the Shaman. I aggreed. I had nothing better to do and it was the weekend anyway. Oh my god, I spent so much time without moving... just sitting in that chair. It was great.... maybe just on the weekends... and holidays... at John's house on his account...which used to be mine... no... no.... I must not think too hard on the subject...for now. We'll see. I'll post about what transpired over the weekend later.

Have a great day.

My Photo
Location: Kennesaw, Georgia, United States

26 year old that has lived in the Metro Atlanta area for the past 5 years. I aspire to do many things but normaly just default to doing as little as possible without getting into too much trouble... but it works.

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