Saturday, July 29, 2006

well then

Now that I'm at a new job that I like, and out of a house that I don't, while being able to save money again, I seem to be living a much less stressful life. The down side is, I have less ammunition for my rantings on this blog.
Wait a minute...I've still got a few.
Baby... A cat named baby. I wouldn't even call it a cat. Its more like a malnurished cross between a gremlin and a weasel that is always in heat. This damn cat-thing has kinda a sad story behind it. It was found as a kitten in a theater parking lot all cold and wet and a friend took it in and fed it and kept it as a pet. ... Well he should have either had it put down and atleast gotten it fixed for christ's sake. This thing was malnurished as a kitten so even though its fully grown now, it is still small and "frail looking" it...used to lick ALL of its fur off that it could reach and ... well I'll let the picture say the rest. It ALWAYS yells and howls and writhes around either in heat or constantly itching from some skin condition or something. It just will not SHUT UP! Its cute and normal for all of like 2 seconds a week then back to the howling. It hates to be picked up, but its owner loves to pick her up, and then he wonders why she scratches him and darts away. All the other cats hate her because she is just annoying as hell. Everytime I go over there, I make sure she stays closed out of whatever room I'm in so at least the howling is muffled. I know that howl so well that I can immitate it and when I wanna mess with my friend, I start howling and that cat starts right up with me from where ever it is in the house and just starts running around howling about the house... My friend hates it when I do that :)
The devil cat.


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Location: Kennesaw, Georgia, United States

26 year old that has lived in the Metro Atlanta area for the past 5 years. I aspire to do many things but normaly just default to doing as little as possible without getting into too much trouble... but it works.

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