So this weekend I spent around 30 hours playing EQ. I know, I know... I should have started earlier in the day so that I could have gotten more playing time in. I'm sorry. I'm on the Sleeper server currently as this lvl 12 female Shaman. I didn't pick the character. It's my buddy, John's account (1 of several) and he wanted a female shaman so thats what I played with while he ran on his Barbarian. Now I don't know if you can call what I did really "Playing" EQ because really I had just decided to generate lots of revenue so that John could focus on leveling and could just buy whatever he needed along the way for the 2 characters. So, while John was out in East Commonlands, beating on spiders and orcs, I stayed perched at "the tunnel entrance" advertising SOW all day long...(its a spell that makes people happy.) Well not to bore you with details, but over the course of 30 hours, I would have to say I became the most popular buff caster on the server, or at least in East Commonlands. I had people sending me tells all day (and night) long, begging for buffs and making sure I had not left the area before they could get back to me. I developed my own clientel and as other casters tried to sell SOW, they were quickly discouraged to see groups of people flocking to me constantly, while no one would even look at them. I was the first in the zone (and possibly the server) to start selling buffs with Extended Duration. Once that happened, I had the market cornered for a few hours before the other casters could scrape up enough coin to buy the equipment to allow them to cast as cool as me, but even then I had established a crushing customer base that stayed loyal to me and my excelent customer service skills. After the great server reboot at around 6pm on Sunday, I took the time to modify my "SOW buff advertising" hotkey to include special ASCII characters that can't be created in the game. Once again, another server first. People kept sending me tells, "How do you make the musical notes?"... I wouldn't reply. Finaly this one kid that was completly obsessed with knowing how I did it kept sending me tells.
"How do you make the nots?"
"Musical Notes"
5 min...
5 min...
"I know you are there. I can see you buffing people."
Me: "Sry... too many tells. I don't know."
Him: "How did you make the notes?"
Me: "A friend set it up for me. I'm not sure. Sry"
Him: "Can you send me a note or a smiley?
Me: " My friend set it up for me. I just push a button."
Him: "What button?"
5 min...
Him: "How did your friend do it?"
At this point John is wanting to mess with this kid so he takes over the keyboard, and proceeds to send this kid on a wild internet goose chase for random key words and UI mods. We have him convinced that the musical notes are made by "a button" on our UI. Eventually the kid finds and downloads a whole bunch of crap that has nothing to do with what he wants to know but we aren't about to tell him that, but by the time he found everything and got it downloaded it was 2:35 am (last night!) and I had to log and grab atleast a little sleep before work today so after a 45 minute long ordeal with this obsessed kid...
Him: "Ok I downloaded the UI. What does the button look like?"
Me: "Sorry I am A.F.K. (Away From Keyboard)"
5 min...
Him: "Where is the button?"
Me: "Sorry I am A.F.K. (Away From Keyboard)"
After a good hard laugh, I leave for the night with the Shaman hiding AFK behind a cart.
BTW: When I was done, after 1 day of casting buffs I had earned over 100 pp. I don't know exactly how much I made, but I had bought all my spells up to lvl 15, John's Barbarian was decked out in some of the best equipment available on the server (while everyone else is running around in non-visible lowbie armor and beating spiders with rusty shortswords) and I still had 96 pp in my pocket and several pp worth of pelts in my bank because I just didn't have room for all the stuff being given to me as donations. Now I have literaly more money than I know what to do with... unless I feel like buying a LOT of spidersilks and Bixey stingers.