OK, Here has been my life since my last post:
- I'm still working nights in Norcross, but I shouldn't be. The only reason why I'm still there is because my boss is really anal and feels I need to be perfect before he puts my on the promotion list. Its has been quite a challenge and I am meeting his goals but now I think he is stallnig because he doesn't want to have to lose a great employee.
- I bought someone flowers for V -day only to here, "Thanks but I'm kinda seeing someone right now, but we can still be friends..." I trailed off after that.
- So I don't sound racist, I won't mention the race of the majority of people that come into my store at night over in the Little Mexico side of Buford Highway, but these are the dirtiest, laziest, stealingest, nastiest, no moral using little bastards that I have ever seen. Some of them are good people, mind you, but the ones that are agree that the rest of them are bringing the whole area to hell.
- I beat the hell out of some random guy. I was mopping the floor and caught him trying to steal cigarettes while he thought I wasn't looking at him so while he wasn't looking at me, I waltzed over there and began using some "Fist Justice" on him. I dragged his ass across that entire store before I finally kicked him out the door and let his broken and bleeding ass run away. I could have called the cops but I had gotten of of the cigarettes off of him and it felt REALLY GOOD to beat the hell out of someone. I still have his jacket in my car as a momento.
- COMPUSA Is closing its doors and moving out of the Atlanta market. That means they are liquidating everything down to the shelves and telling their employyess to find new jobs nexgt month. This is good for good deals, but its bad for me because my roommate works for them.
- I have/had a stalker. Yep a stalker, and it was a dude. His name is Todd. He came straight up to me the other Sunday for the first time and had it in his head that I was the key to his salvation. To him, I was the only person capable of bringing him back to christ and pulling him off his path to damnation. Only my prayers and my giving of THE WORD could save hime and only I could see into his soul to tell him how to fix himself. I had never met Todd before. Todd Creeped me out.
Todd is a little special in the head, and probably needed Meds. He is the kind of person that you hear about in the news that finally snaps one day and does some crazy over-the-top thing. to prove something to the world. I didn't want that thing to involve me. He began showing up several times during my shifts. He kept asking me the same questions over and over in hopes that I would give him the answers to his life and GOD. Now I'm and pretty tough dude and can handle myself well, but people like Todd scare the shit out of me because they don't think rationaly, and sometimes little things like stalking people or killing people gets overlooked by their since of morals. Fianlly, after a few nights of Todd beind my disciple and following me around the store in hopes of recieveing THE WORD, I got a cop to run him off. The next morning he came back. I warned the morning crew to keep and eye on him because he is a creepy dude and watched him talking on his cell phone just outside the front door. Five minutes later my clerk says, "Why is there a fire truck in our parking lot?" I look up and see the fire truck... and the other 2 fire trucks... and the 4 ambulances... and half of the Gwinette county police dept screaming into the parking lot like gangbusters, (all during the morning rush, mind you) and I glance over to see Todd checking to to if I'm looking at him through the window. The fire fighters come in as if someone is on deaths door and exclaim, "Did you call!?!" I look at them, still slightly in shock and say, "Nope." They describe the person in question that the came for, which was Todd to a T and I point stright at him who was then strolling across the parking lot as if nothing was going on. They walked over to him, took him off the the side, talked to him very politely and about 20 minutes later, took him the the hospital in hopes of finding some form of medication for him. All the while there are still around a dozen emergency vehicles in our parking lot with every flashing light they have turned on. They took Todd away and I could finally breath a sigh a relief. By then, my neck was THROBBING with pain form being SO tense during the whole thing, because I had gone into "Bosnia Mode" where I am on high alert for the slightest thing out of the ordinary to happen and I am GONE. I had visions in my head of any form of possible shooting, bombing, or mass disturbanse possible and had formulated plans of escape for each of them. All the while, I'm smiling at the customers and greeting them and ringing up thier stuff as if nothing at all was out of place.Every muscle in my body was more tense than it had been in years, and I only realized how tense it was after the adrenaline started to wear off and pain had set in. It was a tough start to my weakend, but I knew all was better because they caught Todd. Well, Todd still comes around during the morning rush, but I'm guessing he is on meds now because he still says hey to me and ties to come through my line if possible, but he doesn't push the conversation any further. He just buys his coffee and his taquitto and goes about his business... but I still keep my eye on him, just incase he forgets to take his meds and starts looking for salvation again.
Thats my life in a nutshell.