Friday, March 30, 2007

Not all gas is equal

So today Somebody did something really stupid. The guy delivaring Desil to the store hooked his tank up to The WRONG tank! He hooked his DESIL tank up to our UNLEADED tank. and began dumping desil in. which then ruined our entire resivour of unleaded gas. we had to hit the emergency shutoff bitton and kill all gas sales for the rest of the day until his company could come out to pump out all the bad gas and replace it with clean fuel. I bet he felt like an idiot, but it was kinda funny watching all the confused faces of people as we told them that we didn't have any gas.


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Location: Kennesaw, Georgia, United States

26 year old that has lived in the Metro Atlanta area for the past 5 years. I aspire to do many things but normaly just default to doing as little as possible without getting into too much trouble... but it works.

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