Friday, April 07, 2006

unexpected surprise and a good pain

Today is day 4 of my fast, and I feel great.
I'm not bouncing off the walls with joy or anything but I'm not not doubled over in hunger like a lot of you would think to be the case after 3 full days of not eating. I feel more mellow about things and it has really helped to eliminate any stress that was present. I had an unexpected surprise this morning. I put my belt on and gained an extra belt loop which means that I've dropped about an inche since I started. I enjoyed the extra loop in the mirror for a minute then adjusted it back one loop because I like the loose feeling it has now.

I finaly reached the pivot point of my fast last night. My body announced to me that it had gone from the "confused. What do I do?" stage to the "Cleaning, detoxing, fat burning" stage. It made itself very clear as I was getting ready for bed last night and one of organs began a detox cycle. Your body knows when you are about to go to sleep and prepares itself for the shutdown process of sleeping. This is when your body is able to focus all of its energy towards healing itself. My body was just so eager to begin detoxing that it started before I got into bed. It hurt pretty bad but it was localized and I new the reason for the pain so I was able to rationalize it. I also knew that the pain would be over within an hour and everything would be better in the morning so I just focused on something else and went to sleep. When I woke this morning I did feel better and am happy to know that my body's organs are getting cleaner... and yes, when your body begins its detox cycles, the toxins have to go somewhere so you begin to have some very interesting bathroom visits.


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Location: Kennesaw, Georgia, United States

26 year old that has lived in the Metro Atlanta area for the past 5 years. I aspire to do many things but normaly just default to doing as little as possible without getting into too much trouble... but it works.

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