Thursday, April 06, 2006

Happy Thursday

Hello all.

Just logging in some work and figured I would write down what was in my head. When fasting, there many different obstacles that you have to clear. Chemical detox and cravings and all that but what is one of the hardest parts to me is the wait. It takes days, or even weeks to complete a fast and we are so programed to eat regularly and to enjoy eating that even when we have nothing better to do or are bored or tired or want to celebrate something or just take a break, we eat. It could be an overflowing plate of Chinese food or a Hamburger and fries or even just some Lance Snack Crackers, but the point is we fill our empty time with eating. Well, when your fasting your not eating which means every time you reach an empty point in the day that you would normally hit the vending machine, your just sitting there, thinking about NOT thinking about the vending machine. For the first couple weeks your programing is still running off the old cycles that your body followed and when they hit your brain and your brain says, "Invalid Entry. Contact System Administrator" and since the the old pattern of cycles is basicly running on a true/false mechanisim, they interpret the not going to eat as a false and keep sending the signal over and over again which bombards your brain with these messages. At first these messages can be annoying and then quickly become so overpowering that the only thing you can think about is that fact that your not eating but your body is telling you to eat but your still not eating and it just continues in a loop of your debating with yourself over why you should or should not eat. You can get the shakes, headaches, blurred vision, and countless other things but if you think about it, that isn't because your depriving yourself of food. Drug addicts go through the exact same cycles. Its just chemicals running on cycles that they have become accustomed to. Now really, are you going to let a few chemicals in your body control your life. The human mind has the abilty to push the human body beyond its boundaries of saftey. The body doesn't like this and will fight back with countless chemical combinations in an attempt to subdue the mind but with enough will power you can do anything if you put your mind to it.

Anyway, the wait. The long long long wait filled with empty points in the day where you would have been eatting. Now you have to find something to do other than eat so that you can take your mind off of it. Ever been so busy all day that you just forget to eat? Then at the end of the day your still not thinking about it until you see a fast food place then BAM your hungry. Its like that.

So now I have a whole bunch of time on my hands that I have to do something with so I'm not as bored... Blogging sounds like a good idea.

Its so great how you login to only type one or two sentences and it just unfolds into a few paragraghs.


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Location: Kennesaw, Georgia, United States

26 year old that has lived in the Metro Atlanta area for the past 5 years. I aspire to do many things but normaly just default to doing as little as possible without getting into too much trouble... but it works.

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