Friday, May 19, 2006

The government has cloaking technology... like the Predator suits dude

They finally did it. It was released that for the low low price of $1,600 per suit, they can fully cloak a person. Several photos were released with the documentation showing the cloaking technology in use on a man and on a small track wheeled robot. The man held up part of the cloaking suit infront of him and it looked like there was a big hole through his chest. He then stepped behind a waist high portion of the suit and became a floating torso. He then wore the entire suit with just his arms exposed and it just looked like 2 floating arms. This stuff adapts to whatever the terrain is and becomes a duplicate of that terrain to include grass, trees, bushes, whatever. Currently it only works when viewed from a minimum of 20 feet away, but that is still very good for 100% invisibilty and you don't have to be stationary. You can move around and still be unseen, though obviously movement reduces the invisibility to about 85%. Some of you may think that even if you can't see them, you can still use IR or heat sensor radar to track them but this suit also makes the wearer "un-visible" to all forms of radar, camera, and human eye spectrums. I got to see pictures of the suit used in a field and in use next to a building in an industrial area. I also saw pictures of the robot going across some grass and next to some bushes. The technology is still pretty new and the suit is a little box-ish but there are adaptations for people, dogs, ground vehicles, and boats. I'm guessing there is a version for planes but they haven't said it yet.

All I can say is that its about time they came out with the cool stuff.


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Location: Kennesaw, Georgia, United States

26 year old that has lived in the Metro Atlanta area for the past 5 years. I aspire to do many things but normaly just default to doing as little as possible without getting into too much trouble... but it works.

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