Wednesday, May 17, 2006

My butt is so sore.

I finally bought a bicycle yesterday. I also discovered that bike companies make them with really crappy parts so that you fork over the extra $$$ for the ever so convinient upgrades that are hanging on the wall right beside them. I bought one of those big Gel seats that are disigned for people that actually have an ass, unlike that 2 inch wide strip of uncomfortable plastic that they call a seat that comes standard. That thing is so small, one bad speed bump and a proctologist would have to remove it for me. Because I bought it at the Wal-Mart across from Joe's house, Joe and I just rode our bikes around the parking lot to get used to riding again... which does takes getting used to. After properly inflating the tires and adjusting the seat and handlebar height and getting the feel for the 18 different gears, the chain snaps and part of the gear shifter on the back wheel falls off in pieces. Luckily, we were still in the Wal-mart parking lot so I just wheeled it around and exchanged it for another one, AFTER putting all the original parts on the bike and keeping my accessories for the new one. All in all, it was about 3 hours of bike riding and then after the short break to exchange bikes, I hopped on that new bike with original seat and OMG the pain...the pain! My ass was already sore from not having done so much work on its own lately, but that crappy little seat just magnified the pain and I had to ride the bike standing up because it was so unbearable. I switched the seats out and pedaled in pain back to Joe's house where I parked it in his shed and began to discover just how sore I was and knew I was going to be today. My arms are still twitching a little. Soon enough though, I will be used to riding again and it will start being more fun. Joe will be getting a new bike on Friday but until then he was using his old bike which has old gears that are a little stripped. It was funny to watch him miss a gear every now and then going up a hill. Whoever designed those standard seats was probably praised by the company for stimulating extra sales but I swear he should have one of those seats... well lets just say bad things should be done to him... involving those seats.


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Location: Kennesaw, Georgia, United States

26 year old that has lived in the Metro Atlanta area for the past 5 years. I aspire to do many things but normaly just default to doing as little as possible without getting into too much trouble... but it works.

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