Monday, April 24, 2006

And then you learn something else

And then you learn to copy whatever it is that you typed and THEN publish it so incase the web browser has some kind of brain fart and shuts down and you lose or at least THINK you lost all the stuff that you typed. Then you can repaste it instead of going, "Crap! That was good stuff.... Now what the hell did I say again?" I chose to leave both posts up because the first post was raw thought kinda like live streaming audio and the second one was the "partialy"saved file that had to be pulled from the temporary cache in my head that was about to be deleted. Its amazing how quickly you can lose something when you "feel it" instead of "think it." Good thing we have written mediums. Funny how its called medium when it can be so much.


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Location: Kennesaw, Georgia, United States

26 year old that has lived in the Metro Atlanta area for the past 5 years. I aspire to do many things but normaly just default to doing as little as possible without getting into too much trouble... but it works.

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