Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Back from my vacation.

I took last week off from work and my fast, and it felt great. A general rule that I try to follow for fasting is that for every day that you fast you follow it with an equal number of days not fasting. So since I fasted for 10 days, I took that much time off, but now its back to fruit.

My vacation was very uneventful which was just how I planned it. I wanted to do as little as possible and thats exactly what I did.

Over the weekend, Dana and Billy go tback into town and moved into their new rented house. After moving some stuff in, we headed up to Tennessee and had some fun. Upon returning, I headed over to my buddy Dan's house and partied all night and into the next day.

For the past week I have toyed with the idea of making a DND character and finding a group to play with, but I don't know if I want to go through the troble or not. Maybe I'll run into some hot chicks that just so happen to love RPG's and need a guys perspective on character advancement... yeah right... that's every geeks dream. I'll just have to really on my dashing good looks and amazing charm... and the fact that I have my own car,an income, and don't live with my parents. Take that geeks! crit FTW!

I should be at home right now but I'm stuck at work. Someone called in and I was needed to fill in at Hole in the Wall Medical Center at their Middle 'O Nowhere branch. I've gotten one phone call and 2 faxes all day and the only person to knock on my door had walked to the wrong office and was looking for someone else... sigh...the stresses of such a fast paced job. What could I ever do to unwind with so much going on at work today...? Sleep seems to work, and updating my blog.

Maybe I'll create a DND char and then start a blog around his adventures...or something.




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Location: Kennesaw, Georgia, United States

26 year old that has lived in the Metro Atlanta area for the past 5 years. I aspire to do many things but normaly just default to doing as little as possible without getting into too much trouble... but it works.

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