We all fall down
The way I see it, low levels of controled self destructive activity can be benificial. I mean, you might as well get it out of your system while you are thinking rationaly than sometime down the road at any given moment, doing someting you would regret later.
Don't take this the wrong way. There are many different level of self destructive behavior. I'm talking about the kindergaden stuff like cheating on your diet and the like.
Inside all of us is a little child that doesn't know any better, and from time to time that child sneaks into the control room and runs amuck pressing all the shiny buttons in our mind, making do things even though we know better. You can either keep that child distracted when you know you won't be able to keep your eyes on the little bugger the whole time, or you can scold the little fella and run the risk of the kid never coming back out to play.
The child inside of us isn't like a normal, physical child. It can be controled about as much as a huge river can. Sure you can restrict its flow, but you still gotta let out the pressure from time to time or else the whole thing will go out of control.
Let some of the pressure out. Let your inner kid run around a little, before you forget how.
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